Daniel Bennett | Chefkok
Glade gæster, glade skibe - og der er ingen bedre måde at gøre folk glade på end ved at lave en storm i køkkenet med friske, lokale råvarer.
Madlavning i stor stil
Daniel joined HX Hurtigruten Expeditions and the team onboard MS Maud in October 2021. Having spent time in a wide range of kitchens, he wanted to experience something new, different, and exciting. The key ingredient of being able to travel to some iconic destinations off the beaten track.
Leading an international team of 32, the galley is one of the busiest parts of the ship. Taking inspiration from where the ship is located, the local produce available, and the culinary skills of his well-experienced team, Daniel can craft the menu accordingly. When the ship turns north back to the Norwegian coast, he can incorporate more rich traditional produce such as reindeer, smoked fish, and fresh berries. Reflecting HX Hurtigruten Expeditions' focus on sustainability, Daniel believes that food should not only look and taste great but should also be good for the planet and sustainably sourced. This is why along with his team, he is looking at ways in which he can reduce food waste and reduce food miles.
Having been onboard for over a year now, Daniel has experienced many beautiful destinations around the British Isles and Norway. To date, his most memorable came in Norway when they arrived on a fjord to find it frozen. In true expedition style, the Captain was able to turn MS Maud into an icebreaker and they sailed into the fjord, through all of the ice - creating a memorable experience for the guests and for Daniel to cook within.
Bedste måltid | søndagssteg
Ombord på et ekspeditionsskib får Daniel mulighed for at opleve mad fra hele verden. Der er dog ikke noget bedre end at nyde en traditionel søndagssteg. Men hvis du tror, at han vil dele sin hemmelighed om de perfekte stegte kartofler, så held og lykke!
Det bedste af det hele!
Fra hans team i kabyssen til den øvrige besætning om bord på MS Maud og kontakten med gæsterne - Daniel elsker det hele. Det er verdens bedste job, og han er i stand til at dele sin passion for mad og udforske verden, mens han gør det.
Livet som kok | Catering for alle
Som køkkenchef om bord på MS Maud sørger Daniel for at opfylde alle kostbehov. Han udnytter muligheden for at være mere kreativ i de retter, han serverer, og det er et af de mest spændende aspekter ved hans job. Når det er sagt, får han af og til forespørgsler fra kunderne, men indtil videre har han ikke fundet på noget, der ikke kan løses.